The holographic spider


Welcome to the start of a series of sharing called cosmic diary of weirdness 😄

I’ve been noticing for a while, how important it is for us to share themes that are coming up as we are going through such new times of change. I often…ok, daily, participate in conversations sharing weird dreams, feeling, visions or insights, ideas, synchronicities and always had a feeling that could be helpful to start sharing more here (online) and so here we are, sharing my weirdness so you feel less like a weirdo 👍

It feels so much better to have the confirmation, validation, or just the knowing of what the other person is going through, maybe you just went through that a few days, months, years ago, maybe when it comes up for you it makes it easier to understand.

So to start we will talk about the holographic spider.

This was one of the first strong events for me, even before I started a new level of awakening journey (in 2016) and much before that, I (I’m guessing you too) have a whole list of “weird” events.

It was around 2010/11 when I started waking up to see a spider coming down at me, from the ceiling. But then I would notice the spider wasn’t real. This would scare me, it felt really weird.

And it happened here and there… in slightly different ways.

As I started getting used to seeing it, I was taking more time to look at it instead of reacting, and one day I passed my hands through it and saw it was holographic.

One of the recent times ( in July) I saw it walking on the ceiling and coming in my direction, I could watch it for longer than normal and felt like I could hear its legs going “tip, tip, tip” around until it vanished.

Many times I have seen the spider in many forms and often it would be there and disappear.

I heard a few others share that they see the spider as well and I’ve seen the spider come up in some other stories, some relating to Atlantis, some mentioning the Grandmother Spider…I heard it could be one manifestation of contact 👽 and I had a chat with them if they could choose something cuter like butterfly or fairy 😆

Today I saw it mentioned in this video (around 7 min mark) and that’s what reminded me to share.

🕷What about you? Do you have something similar to share, I would love to know.


I’ve recently came to more understanding on the spider from a different perspective. The spider might be showing where in your energy field there might be some distortions or interference, and so with the help of a couple of multidimensional healers I have cleared it, and now I’m having a practice in place to keep my energy field clear and since then I haven’t had those visions. If they are to happen again, I know how to clear and recenter.

Also learned that others had similar experience and called it “astral spiders”
With love,


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